Jesse, Kitty, and Kenny arrived around 4 PM with Bloomer and Pappy coming in at 9PM. Well we get updated that 9PM was now 10:35PM so when we got to the club we we scheduled to play at 10:30. Thankfully the staff at the Double Down let LA's Punkabilly BIG BEAU & The Jangle Gang agreed to Switch Spots with us. As they set up the boys touched down and got to club just as the set began. And it was an electrifying set that kicked off a great night at the home of Ass Juice 

They were better live than what I enjoyed hearing from them on Spotify. They look like they are having fun and truth be told it was the bands second live show ever. LOOK FOR THEM!!!

Next up was us and the lineup was Jesse & Kitty on Vocals, Kenny and Pappy on Guitar & Bass &Vocals, Bloomer John Hogg- Drums and Vocals. Begining the night with Gittin Place, Biker Ann and The Hammer to a very receptive Sin City crowd. Kitty then took over leading the dance lesson for HOGG TAIL TWIST and Bloomer and Jesse drove the tale in Fishin & Drinkin, then as Jesse said "Hello Becky-Sue " which opens WTML you could feel that this was the song they were waiting to hear. 

After a quick band introduction we broke into favorites Reminds Me Of You and Domestic Short Hair before ending the set with Sundee School, Don't Mess With TX, Cashville, Party in My Pants , and the grand finale Big Pink Rig . 

Then the band we certainly wanted to check out Stagnetti's Cock hit the stage. This trio is entertaining performing songs about sex with a drummer in a bananna costume and 2 attractive front people on guitar bass and vocals. Provocative lyrics and great stage presence. They kind of reminded me of the Punknecks with songs about sex vs touring and getting wasted. 

Finally the night ended with good old punk rock by The Mucky Boys and yet another punk rock funtime at The DoubleDown Saloon . Thanks to Steve LeProducer , Ian and the crew at DoubleDown and all the bands. 


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